why do we do things over and over and negative thoughts come in all the time. You try hard to get rid of those thoughts but its hard we manifest our own thoughts we want to break away from it but, nobody else can do for us except our selves we our selves can over come this nobody can do it for us. We need ask ourselves why do we attract certain people all the time why cant we see the red flags you need seat back and value what you think is best for you we need to respect ourselves and not get caught up in others have respect for yourself and feelings
For example i am empathic in wanting to help others i care then i realize why am i so involved in other peoples problems it just brings me down and find it hard to move forward for myself and work on my own obstalces in life. i cant blame others for any problems I might have. Things that happened in my past I need to stop feeling sorry for others. You end up falling to a trap then you find it hard climbing your way up its like a spiral you dont to be caught up in social medial that can take you down too. I find people can give bad advises and options that can trigger for of your problems. We need to detach from others emotions. Until we talk again, have a great amazing day keep smilimg, head up be strong and mainfest good thoughts stay happy